Motivation, are you here to stay?

I’ve worked out three days this week so far! Go me! I did the C25K week 5, run 1 on Tuesday, Wednesday I lifted some weights while watching a couple of 10 minute FitSugar vids. I am sore as hell from an arm one I found. That means it worked! Going to do it again today. Push through the pain! Yesterday I did C25K week 5, run 2. It was two 8s with a 5 min walk in between. It was *easy*, I guess! Can’t believe it was since I had quit running for a long, long time. Tomorrow is a 20 and I’m going to push through it. Mind over matter. The real motivation test will be when I go back to work next week. I want to get my workouts done in the morning so I can shower and head to work, then enjoy my evening with the hubs and the Griff. 

Crazy about the Griff, always, but especially this week! He is so cuddly and I think he loves having a “stay at home mom” this week. 

Let’s talk about eating. I’ve been having desserts every night this week, which, I know isn’t a smart idea. I’m feeling more tired this week, but I’ve been sleeping great at night and not having crazy hunger cravings. So…something is working. 


Motivation, where have you been?

I restarted the C25K program yesterday with week 5, run 1. My goal is to complete the series this spring. My motivation for working out has been totally MIA. I’m not sure why. What I do know is that I feel great after I exercise and that helps with my “glass half full” attitude! I’ve been plateaued for what feels like a mil years at my current weight range of +/- 5 pounds. I can’t seem to find the motivation to take this body to the next level. Ugh. But, yesterday I went back to the gym after a 2+ month hiatus. I’ve been doing Zumba DVDs and a Jillian Michaels DVD here and there, but nothing consistent and nothing to get myself to where I dream to be. So…hopefully my motivation will come back in even half-ass force and I’ll be on my way to kicking this body into gear. Image

Day ? of Living Glass Half Full

A dear friend and I started saying, “Glass half full!” to remind ourselves to be positive. She has mentioned to me that I’m such a positive person. I didn’t believe her, as I can real easily fall into the negative trap, but after reflecting on her comment, I came to realize that she’s right. I do try to see positive things. I find that it helps give me a feeling of lightness and reduced anxiety. Negativity brings me down. So… in an effort to continue and increasingly live “Glass Half Full”, I’m starting this blog. I want to increase my fitness, health and wellbeing. These are all benefitted from positive thoughts. So… here goes! Glass half full! Image